Join the iMNC21 business floor for networking and a company pitch
As we are returning from summer holidays and planning for the second half of 2021, the iMNC21 team looks forward to greet more exhibitors who will present on December 2 and 3, 2021 in Utrecht.
The scientific program has a nice balance between speakers from industry and science on various topic ranging from Nano4Health in diagnostics, Nano4AgriFood to miniaturization and manufacturing in nanotechnology amongst the themes.
Business floor opportunities
Next to the keynote and invited speakers in the conference program, themes, there is room for networking and discussion on the business floor where participants can check demonstrations and meet with technical teams from the sponsors over a cup of coffee.
A pitch session for exhibitors will give all attendees a quick overview of who is presenting at iMNC21 and will make it easier to find the right connection for your next project.
Startup corner
At the iMNC21 we welcome startup companies who will receive a discount price, to make sure that all companies have the opportunity to present at iMNC21. Join Alex Kostenko from Photosynthetic, the Pitch Award winner of the iMNC2020 at the conference this year.
iMNC21 exhibitor benefits
As an exhibitor, you will also have a prominent place on the iMNC21 event website and in the matchmaking program from B2Match. Visibility and expanding your network are important goals that we help our exhibitors to achieve in the months leading up to the conference and at the event.
Will your company join companies like JEOL, Lionix International, MASER Engineering and Bronkhorst at the conference in December? Sign up for your booth today, to make sure you have a spot.
Read more about the exhibitor opportunities here or download the sponsor brochure direct (pdf).